Very good!
One way to look at mathematics - it describes relations between forms. Whatever forms.
1 apple + 1 apple = 2 apples. This formula is abstraction on the level of forms. 2 apples are not equal, but they have the same form name from human perspective (in human mind).
Physical forms exist exactly like forms in computer screen. Theoretically they can disappear in a blink of an eye. They are actually energy waves/fields.
It is much easier to understand physical forms, their existence and manifestation when we compare it to forms on computer screen. Just the amount of energy to manifest an apple from thin air is incredibly bigger than it needs for computer screen to have the picture of an apple.
If you read Euler's mathematical formula symbolically - it includes and ties all universe. It involves, real, imaginary, oscillation, acceleration, allness and nothingness. But for some reason does not include directly room, time and gravity. Room, time and gravity depend on perception - they are not fully independent phenomenons.
Room and time are needed to separate forms from each other. They are function of gravity. And gravity might be function of consciousness (mind). This might be the reason why scientists are measured that gravity is not constant - it has small fluctuations.