Time and space can't exist without viewer (perception) - be it a human or somebody who we do not know (God?).
In other words time and space are quantifications of our experiences. We think we can move back and forth in space but not in time. But actually - we can not move back (physically) even in the space where we were some moment ago because it is already changed - at least in subatomic level. As the old saying - "You can't step twice into the same river".
Time and space are kind of half mechanical simulations allowing us to have one experience at a time as we have pointlike consciousness - meaning we can handle (only) one experience at a time. We do not have spherical awareness by which you can simultaneously have endless experiences under full attention. Then time would have different meaning based on different perception "model".
We can say - "Time is not". Consequence of experiences creates illusion of time. In other words - time is our (limited) way to perceive.
But from the point of view "decision - consequence - result - evaluation - new decision" there is time as order of meaningful events.