This essay is about anima and animus. It would be too long a text to involve more aspects of sexuality and I completely agree that human sexuality is a much more complex phenomenon. I just wanted to write about some aspects of it — how anima and animus in our subconscious influence our gender identity and behavior. I did not say that this is the only influencer — in the last paragraph I made a hint about the need to understand deeper.
My understanding does not come from Jung, but I used Jung’s archetypes as they are quite well known. In my mind, anima and animus are much more than just archetypes, but it is not the main topic here.
I would bring in here incarnation, which in western culture and academic science, is a taboo topic, but we should investigate it open-mindedly because it has great explanatory power. I did not want to write about incarnation here to keep the focus, even Jung itself did not deny past lives and their influence (as much as I understand).
One way to explain homosexuality is that the “soul” has had before many lives in the same sex bodies, which causes certain “sex-related desires, memory and behavior” to be stored in subconscious memory. If today he/she is in an opposite-sex body then this soul/psyche level memory starts to influence gender identity and roles. But even this does not explain all this type of phenomenon — there are many more things that influence.
A lot of gender-based behavior is rather cultural and is not linked to deeper psychological causes. Fashion for example is almost purely cultural.