This discussion between us is a good sample of Infallible Plausibility.
It is human perception related phenomena according to which we are conditioned to see only facts which are supporting our belief and ignore facts which are either questioning our belief or supporting the opposite belief. It always gives us the feeling that our perception is more correct than others.
If you look open-minded then you can see this phenomenon is everywhere. God exists or versus not, Conservative versus Liberal, We can change climate versus we can’t. We run out of resources — versus not. And on both sides, you can find wise people and good arguments.
I can’t recall any such polarizations which ended in this way that one side convinced another one, but perhaps there are some. Even Capitalism versus Communism discussion is not won by Capitalism (as it seemed to happen after the collapse of the Soviet Union) as today it becomes more and more clear that Capitalism (as it is) will be doomed as well. Btw — I was living in the Soviet Union for almost 30 years.
By ignoring human perception specifics, it is natural, that we get somewhat wired up or even become fanatical supporters of our belief.
If our perception would really be objective, then there would be no arguments and fights between men. As human history is a history of argument and fight then it is logical to believe that it’s about our perception errors.