Hi Marco,
I’m quite aware of most arguments you presented and they are correct — at least locally. With this story, I just wanted to give a different point of view. You can look the way you look and see what you see, but you can take a different viewpoint, and then you can see something else.
I completely agree that we should take more responsibility for what we do — be it environmentally or technologically. But this horse manure story is actually one of many historical challenges that were transcended in a similar way.
Today the CO2 discussion is not very constructive. There are two large camps fighting against each other almost fanatically, trying to prove they are right. Even both sides like to say they base on scientific facts the discussion is by nature belief based - almost like a religious fight. Both standpoints are based on the opposite worldview and as you might know, people can ignore many things but they are almost ready to die to protect their worldview (their faith).
We tend to think that we are very sophisticated here, but is it really correct? Perhaps there is much more to know how the world works. Perhaps our today's knowledge is VERY small compared to what we do not know…
In my mind, one of the BIG problems in the world is polarization and being too wired to fight for my individual TRUTH. We often evaluate ideas higher than human lives as last century history shows so clearly.