Published inScience and PhilosophyWhat if the physical universe is just like a 3D-screen?When evaluating reality theories based on explanatory power, the 3D-screen model might be a quantum leap ahead.Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
Published inScience and PhilosophyAnima and Animus Define and Control Us — Especially if We Deny Their ExistenceThese two Jung’s archetypes help us better understand sex change urges and gender identity.Nov 6, 20203Nov 6, 20203
Published inScience and PhilosophyCondemnation as an Attempt to fix the worldAncient crucifixion is today replaced by social canceling and verbal crucifixion. Many still believe it helps.Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020
Published inScience and PhilosophyThe Two Faces of the DeathTalking about politics is a topic that can ruin the mood of a party. However, talking about death guarantees it. Why is that? What does…Oct 24, 20201Oct 24, 20201
Published inScience and PhilosophyThe Great Horse Manure Crisis Reveals Something UnexpectedMany significant crises we face might need a different approach and can be solved based on a universal patternOct 3, 20201Oct 3, 20201
Modern Democracy has Become a SimulationTop politicians and big money are experts in simulating democracy, and they do it well. Too wellOct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
Published inScience and PhilosophyNext Big Thing is Human MindWe are witnesses to an unprecedented emergence of problems with human psychology. And yet it has not brought along revaluation of the…Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020